Simple Solution Chew Stopper is a perfect aid to discourage and repel teething puppies or gnawing dogs from chewing furniture and other personal belongings.
Chewing is healthy for dogs as it releases saliva that cleans out their mouths and triggers endorphins that relax and destress them. Simple Solution Chew Stopper provides a temporary solution to stop destructive chewing behaviour while actively teaching acceptable behaviour and introducing better chewing options, like stimulating and teething toys.
The Simple Solution Chew Stopper formula has a foul taste and an unpleasant smell that will alter your dog’s interest in chewing on the things he should not.
Simple Solution Chew Stopper may be applied to inflamed skin lesions (hotspots) or be lightly sprayed on bandages to prevent him from tampering with or licking it. Do not spray directly on open wounds or into the eyes.
Test the spray on a small area to check the colourfastness, then liberally spray onto the colour-fast surface to prevent unwanted chewing. Reapply to enhance the smell that will safely and effectively discourage him from randomly chewing on sprayed areas.
Note that when you stop spraying the Simple Solution Chew Stopper your dog will most likely return to his chewing ways. Get the best results by altering his destructive behaviour by introducing appropriate chew toys that will soothe his itching gums and provide stimulation puzzle toys, food dispenser toys and noise toys to prevent him from getting bored, stressed or reacting destructively out of separation anxiety.
500ml Trigger Spray