Everyday life can also be stressful for dogs and cats. Vet visits, noise and noises, relocations or family growth are just a few examples can cause stress, restlessness or nervousness in our four-legged friends. pet owners can do something to support their protégés in such stressful situations. The general rule for dealing with a stressed animal is: calm down! Then Four-legged friends are also very sensitive to human behavior. If that Pet is more often stressed, it is advisable to find out what is causing the stress or which causes nervousness and whether this cause can be eliminated. In each If the stress persists, the veterinarian should be involved. Only the veterinarian can make a clear diagnosis and - if required – initiate appropriate treatment. One way to help pets deal with stress, restlessness, and nervousness is with them biological veterinary medicines.
Nurexan ad us. vet. is a valuable supportive homeopathic medication for dogs and cats without any undesirable side effects especially in combination with training.