MaxiTox is a potent combination of toxin binding clays, carbons and various other detoxifying agents. MaxiTox cannot bind to all types of toxins and we recommend that you consult a veterinarian before administrating the product to a patient.
Activated charcoal - Effectively binds most toxins and poisons very fast! Although not a lifesaving remedy, Activated Charcoal is a must for first line defence!
Kaolin - A natural clay that helps bind and absorb toxins and other may help bind possible pathogens.
Cranberry extract - Cranberry is a very potent anti-oxidant and helps increase immunity that may help improve recovery after poisonings and toxin exposure.
Bentonite clay - Pharma grade benonite clay soothes the stomach lining and forms a barrier that may block some toxins and delay absorption of harmful chemicals.
Fulvic acid - A potent binder and detoxifier. Works great for heavy metal exposure and is a must for all toxin binding remedies.