Eco-Arth is an oral homeopathic medicine which assists in treatment of chronic joint problems associated with degenerative disease and helps relieve the associated pain and inflammation. It also supports a healthy periosteum or membrane covering the outer surfaces of the bones.
Eco-Arth is specifically intended to assist in treatment of:
- Arthritis & osteoarthritis
- Joint and tendons strains, including Achilles tendon strain.
- Synovitis or inflammation of the synovial membranes.
- Acute and chronic lameness
- Hock distension and spavin (growth in the hock joint)
- Bone chips and exostosis (ringbone)
- Shoulder and pelvic injuries
- Shin splints
Eco-Arth can be used in racing or athletic animals to help reduce exercise pain.
Use in conjunction with
Eco-Bone To promote healthy bone growth
Eco-Heal For first aid treatments
Eco-Lame For acute and chronic lameness
Eco-Joint For soft tissue stiffness